The sails will be going back up today after school, when my help can come to the field.
Here is an excerpt from a recent interview:
G.P. What is your intention for this installation?N.M. Well, when I started, as I start any project, it is all about the material and my relationship with it. In this case I just got lost in the process of collecting the wool from farms, talking with the farmers, being with the sheep, helping the shearers. Then back in the studio as I work with wool and play around with it, ideas form and shapes start to come together. After I have made the material, then a whole new intention enters in and that is the relationship of the material with the environment and landscape of New England. Even after that I start to consider my intention for the viewer. Where do I want the viewer in relation to the installation, where are they viewing? This is when the thesis of the work starts to gel. I realize I want to get them to enter in to the landscape, feel the texture, tastes and smells of real life, not the virtual world that we spend most of our time in. Then comes my surprise! The piece itself has intentions for me that I never even considered. Light, wind, and weather taught me performance, patience, persistence and a new understanding of ephemeral.