Both a show of artifacts and
sculpture woven throughout the gallery, Your
statement is Inside, showcases materials and spatial considerations that
are used in the outdoor public art The
Lighthouse, in the group show Convergence, now showing at Christian Science
For these two shows I collected raw wool from New England farms, which I then wove and felted into sculptural forms. Pairing an ephemeral, textural, organic material such as wool, with industrial components such as steel, is an ongoing dialogue in my studio. One piece, titled Penelope’s Sail, is made from silk and merino wool which I felted and then used it in Double Edge Theatre’s summer production of The Odyssey, where I collaborate on set design. Night after night Penelope (Odysseus’ wife, played by Hannah Jarrell) and the wind and rain opened the felt into a beautiful lacy material. I then worked it into what I think Penelope’s sail would look like if she ever had made one to sail away from Ithaka.
The Lighthouse, a 72-foot tall site- specific installation employs scaffolding to create an industrial platform for me to weave over 150 feet of wool, fishing net and rope. The flowing, airy and textural natural materials with dramatic openings lights up along its length and provides a contrast to the surrounding static concrete and stone buildings. In the gallery, Lighthouse Ladder highlights elements of this outdoor installation.